3 month Certificate Course

3 Month Certificate Course

  • Duration: 3 Month
  • Fees: 25,000


Unit - I

Introduction & Scope of Bakery & Confectionery - Organization chart of bakery, structure of wheat and role of Bran and Germ

Unit - II

Flours - Different types of flours available, constituents of flours, PH value of flour, water absorption of flour, Glut India statics capacity of flour, Grade of flour, Raw material recquired for bread, role of flour, water, yeast, salt, sugar milk, and fats, yeast - an elementary knowledge of baker's yeast, effect of over and under fermentation and under proofing of dough and other fermented goods.

Unit - III

Bread Improvers - Improving physical quality, oven & baking - knowledge and working of various types of oven. baking temperatures for bread confectionery goods.

Unit - IV

cafe making Ingredients - flour, sugar, shortening and egg, moistening agents, fats and oil, leaving agents.


1. Chinese
2. Continental
3. Indian
4. Tandoori
5. Salad